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BASIS OF PREPARATION: Social Media Analytics

The foundation of the Social Media Analytics section of the portal is an analysis of the publicly available social media data of the selected football clubs, football players and a selection of other sporting entities.

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The data displayed in the tool is sourced from KORE (formerly Hookit), the social media analytics provider of Football Benchmark. Ultimately, the data comes from the public APIs (“Application Programming Interface”) of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Weibo, TikTok and YouTube. These are the six platforms that are currently featured in the tool. The database is refreshed on a daily basis.


In the case of Facebook, this metric refers to Page Likes, the total number of users that “like” the Facebook page of the entity, regardless of whether they also follow updates from the page or not.

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For Twitter, Instagram, Weibo and TikTok this metric refers to the total number of followers of a club or a player on each specific media channel.

On Youtube, the users following a club’s channel are referred to as “subscribers” instead of “followers”.

Engagement and daily aggregation

We define engagement as the total sum of user interactions with a post that can be sourced from a media channel’s public API, i.e.:

Facebook = Likes+ Comments + Shares + Reactions Twitter = Likes + Comments + Retweets Instagram = Likes + Comments YouTube = Video views + Likes + Dislikes + Comments TikTok = Video views + Likes + Comments + Shares Weibo = Likes + Comments + Shares
All engagement-related statistics are displayed as daily aggregates in the tool. For example, if an entity posted five times during a day, then the likes, comments, shares, etc. generated by those posts will be shown as a total for that day. Information about individual posts is not available. The reference dates of data are always in the local time zone of an entity.

Engagement rate

A key term used throughout the tool is ‘engagement rate’ of a post. We understand that there are various definitions of this term in the industry. Our definition of engagement rate is total engagement by a post divided by the follower number of the account (on the day the post was originally published). This measure essentially shows the percentage of the followers who engaged with the post in a meaningful way.

Logo Image The total reach considered as the number of people who have actually seen the post but are not necessarily followers of the page is not available, as this information only accessible to the actual owners of each account.


Football Benchmark make no representations nor provides any warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this portal. Football Benchmark, its managers and employees expressly disclaim any and all liability for errors in omissions from the portal.

The information contained in this portal is selective and does not purport to contain all the information that any reader, including potential investors, may require. Potential investors should conduct their own investigation and analysis, and are advised to seek their own professional legal, financial and taxation advice.